Systematic terminology management

Systematic terminology management
How companies can make their translation work more cost-efficient and coherent using modern terminology management systems.
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What is terminology?

Terminology is the name given to the entirety of terms in a specialist field. Specialised terminology can be formulated, for example, in a dictionary or a glossary. Today terminology is usually managed digitally and in multiple languages. This results in a controlled vocabulary, which is an important basis for the technical documentation and efficient translation.

Good terminology management is a key success factor

Terminology management enables you to manage terminology including clear usage rules and, as a result, to create your translations with high efficiency and accuracy. This ensures that the correct terminology is always used within a specialist translation.

Advantages of a terminology database

On the one hand, the quality of the texts is improved through ‘correct and linguistically logical terminology’. On the other, consistency and productivity are improved by means of the terminology database. This leads in turn to a saving of time and/or costs.

Cost savings through terminology management

Terminology work is often the subject of controversy in companies. For some, cost and effort are the main considerations, while for others it is an indispensable must with regard to improvements in quality and efficiency.

Different terms are frequently used for one and the same part of a product. One of the reasons for this is that many different areas of the company are involved in the assignment of terms.

The problem of different terms has far-reaching consequences for work efficiency. It can be the case that terms for parts of products are constantly or very often not immediately understood. This results in very frequent look-ups or enquiries. Uniform terms are therefore highly beneficial.

Nevertheless, the importance of terminology management is not adequately recognised in many companies. Many companies are aware of the problem and the importance of terminology work, so it is surprising that only a few companies are prepared to invest in terminology work.

If translations are prepared with inadequate terminology there is a danger, especially when translating operating instructions for highly complex machines, of using contradictory technical terms. Many companies are not aware of the importance of a uniform terminology in their communication. Apart from the misunderstandings that result from inconsistently translated concepts, they also damage the image and the recognition value of a company.

Terminology management at PTS translations

PTS ensures a sustainably uniform company language and cost-efficient translation processes through systematic terminology management during the translation process. We will be glad to furnish you with a non-binding Quotation. 

Systematic terminology management
Systematic terminology management

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